Stumbling around to clean his shoe
He fell into a place that he didn’t mean to
It was a little dark and a little bit scary
Reason enough for him to be wary
He spotted a furry long necked creature with more than one odd looking feature
With fluffy pom pom antenna and a curious looking nose by the look on its face it was shocked by the smell of something i suppose
There was a huge vulture with a cunning glare and a cat with thick eyebrows that couldn’t help but stare
A meditating meerkat in its happy place and a blonde fuzzy haired runner jogging at a good pace
As he looked up he saw a frog in a tree, enjoying it’s popcorn and a romantic movie
He snuck past a gorilla having a snooze
Saw a rhino in the background wondering if this was the right path to choose
Further in the darkness and out of it’s lair was a crooked nosed crocodile spying on a hare
‘Oh foolish crocodile’ thought a seagull as it watched from a distance
‘You’re no match for this bunny, she’ll knock you out in this instance
.....’Oh look at that my shoe is now clean
I need to get away from this strange scene’
He shut his eyes tight and looked to the right and wadda ya know?...there was Onslo!
The little red dragon with the golden egg which he stumbled upon in an empty keg
‘Oh gosh Onslo where’ve you been? There’s too much of this place that i have seen!’
‘Never fear oh fearful one! Look into this egg and with this place we’ll be done!’


The guest of honour


Road Runner